Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Last night we moved inside the performing space. What a difference! To see the actors work out their characters, the blocking, and the language - its a thrilling process.

Being in the space so early can only help. Too many times you find yourself in the space the week the show opens. Then everyone has to get "comfortable" in four days before the show goes up in front of an audience.

Last night was the first day for being off-book. Nobody disappointed. It wasn't perfect but it was honest and they worked at it. That's all you can ask for.

We're on the right track. Everyone is working hard, which is what I would expect, even though it can be lacking in some shows. You don't want to take anything for granted. Personally, I like to be way out in front of an audience when the show opens. It can be surprising for an actor and director to see what lies just out of one's reach when you keep pushing to go further. There is always more to do and to see. The more you work it, the more see it.

Tonight we're moving to the next series of scenes in the play. My hope is that we build on last night's success and move forward, building the show like a pyramid, one block at a time. Sounds cliche, but it's the best way to do it.

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