Friday, June 15, 2007

I'm Back

Okay it has been awhile. This is like working out. You really have good intentions but it can be so hard to get to the gym everyday, or in this case, the blog.

I stopped posting on May 18 – the day we opened Murdering Marlowe.

So the question now is: What happened?

The run went better than Life X 3. We averaged double the attendance, which was good, but we still lost money.

The audience response was encouraging. Everyone seemed to like the show and they were able to handle the Shakespeare style language. The cast bonded well and worked hard.

We had a tremendous amount of press and the one review we pulled in was thoughtful.

So what’s the problem?

Maybe it’s just a matter of time. If we keep trending (I sound like I’m running a business) in the right direction, we should be in good shape. The trick comes down to buying enough time to get established. Even though we’ve been around for 8 years, we are now, finally, working in a permanent space in downtown Elgin. And after working throughout Chicago and its suburbs, it feels like we’re starting out all over again.

So “we have to put one foot in front of the other” and “just keep swimming.”

And I’ll try; really try to keep this blog current.