Sunday, February 18, 2007


This is a little late. About one year to be exact. But after producing the successful Laramie Project in Chicago, we had to regroup and refocus, while we prepared to move into our new digs - the Elgin Art Showcase!

That's right. After eight years of wandering, claiming the irreverent titles - nomadic stalwart and gypsy troupe - we are now settled and prepared to enter middle-age in an old/new space.

Some background. The Elgin Art Showcase is an old ballroom with high ceilings and hardwood floors. The space has been fully renovated to provide gallery/performance space for Elgin artists and performing groups. We jumped at the chance and when they asked groups to provide dates, we said we could do five shows accounting for 19 weeks!

That's a little nuts. I liken the experience to and all-you-can-eat fish fry, where you think your able to consume at least a dozen pieces of perch, when, in fact, you only finish two.

In our case, we hope to put our stamp on the space, and survive in the process. And maybe people will come and consume the theater. Always perched precariously close to the edge of what is considered mainstream, our group has survived - somehow, someway - despite producing an eclectic mix of theater in an array of venues.

We're thinking that being in one place, over time, can only help our chances.

Time will tell the tale.

Stayed tuned for updates, anecdotes and information.

And if you want more "professional" information about us and what we're doing, please go to our website at "It's in there. It's all in there."


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